Posts in guests
46: End of the Year & Fall Prep with Melinda Smith

Melinda shares so many helpful, specific tips for end of the year activities as well as tips for preparing for back to school time, ahead of time!

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45: Emilee Segura on Supporting Parents & Self-Advocacy

Emilee Segura is an early interventionist supporting families in Utah. She is Deaf and uses both spoken language and ASL. Emilee discusses her own experiences self-advocating in school and ways we can support parents in EI and beyond!

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44: Billie BAHA Author Jessica Hogan on Representation & Self-Advocacy

Jessica talks about the importance of representation in children’s media, self-advocacy activities, and ideas for supporting students with microtia.

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43: LSL Strategies for Itinerants with Kristen Temprine

Kristen Temprine, LSLS Cert. AVEd. shares how she implements listening and spoken language strategies with a school-aged itinerant caseload.

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guests, LSL, StrategiesDeanna
42: Case Management with Jessica Laing

Jessica shares so many helpful strategies and tips for being the case manager as well as the itinerant TOD for her caseload!

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guests, organizationDeanna
41: Transition & STEM Careers with Cara Wilmot and Debbie Gilliam

Cara and Debbie discuss the transition & career summer programs available for DHH students through NITD Regional Stem Center, as well as other information for preparing students for STEM careers.

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40: Tips for Itinerant Success with Stefanie Kessen

Stefanie Kessen from the Online Itinerant discusses caseload organization, strategies for organizing materials, and other tips unique to itinerant teaching!

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39: Michelle From Mama Hu Hears on Self-Advocacy & Parent Support

Michelle, audiologist and hard of hearing adult, discusses her own experiences with hearing aids and CIs, self advocacy, and supporting parents of DHH students.

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37: Play Based Therapy with Anna Dalziel

SLP Anna Dalziel goes over some play based therapy ideas for various ages.

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35: Educational Interpreters with Priscilla Blanco

Priscilla talks about supporting students who use an educational interpreter in the classroom.

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33: Educational Audiology with Dr. Carrie Spangler

Dr. Carrie Spangler discusses advocating for educational audiology, what’s new with equipment, and tips for collaborating with the ed aud!

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31: Q&A Episode

I answer your questions from Instagram: all about my caseload, case managing, service minutes, and more!

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30: Virtual TOD Services with Teiryn Shelton

Teiryn discusses how she provides virtual TOD services and gives tips for teachers interested in trying it!

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28: Self-Advocacy for CI Users with Jess Hissam

Jess Hissam is a bilateral CI user and advocate who shares about her own experiences, self-advocacy goals, listening fatigue, building self-esteem and so much more in this episode!

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guests, self-advocacyDeanna
26: An Example AVT Session with Lynn Wood

Lynn talks us through an examples auditory verbal therapy session for a school aged child. So many great ideas and resources in this episode!

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LSL, guestsDeanna
25: Vocabulary Stategies with Stacy Crouse

Stacy and I discuss vocabulary strategies and activities you can use with students of all ages on your caseload!

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guests, StrategiesDeanna
22: Reading Support with Sydney Bassard

Guest Sydney Bassard and I discuss strategies for supporting reading.

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guests, StrategiesDeanna
19: Former DHH Student Turned TOD with Knar Marashian

Guest interview with Knar Marashian. Knar and I discuss how her personal experiences as a student receiving TOD services impact her now as a Teacher of the Deaf! We touch on self-advocacy, working with older students, listening fatigue and more!

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14: Guest Adam Chitta on Music

We chat with Adam Chitta, a hard of hearing music teacher, all about music!

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